Thursday, June 28, 2007

Help! I'm losing my sparkle!

And this time I don't think I can buy a replacement in the stationery emporium.

In my current situation, where my swain makes no attempt to bed me and is reticent when I try it on with him, I've found myself putting a cap on my normally very healthy sex drive. This is having serious consequences for my general mental health and well-being. I didn't even mean to do it - but it happened because I have to look at him every day, which turns me on hugely. I used to arrive home from work crying with frustration and pent-up sexual energy when he didn't invite me back. And because this is just not sustainable and the whole having to look at him thing isn't going to change for a while, instead of talking to him about it, I've just somehow managed to squash my libido.

I feel horrible, dull, unsexy, unattractive and tired. Very tired. Energy is constantly going out, and not being put back in.

How do you ask someone why they don't want to sleep with you any more? Is there even any point in a fledgling relationship? For me, anything is a reason to have sex. Headache? Woke up at 7 am and can't get back to sleep? Eaten mayonnaise today? Stuff to do in the morning? Heading to the gym? All fantastic reasons to have sex. Seems like he's the other way round, though.

Something's got to give.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're back (and back on my blogroll you go...)! Please don't disappear again; I love reading you, even you're writing about the sex you're not having.

I know a lot about above subject. Haven't found a cure yet though. Desperate times require desperate measures is all that comes to mind...

orchidea xxx

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't lose your sparkle! Or even if you do, write about it!

1:12 PM  
Blogger daphnis said...

Help! Comment notification stopped working and I didn't even see these! *rushes off to fix*

Orchidea, I blush, and am honoured that you read. The next chapter in the non-sex saga is past, and the novel comes to a close - next!

Z, I think it's coming back... maybe some Colgate will help!? Starting from the teeth out!

5:07 PM  

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